Gotta Go Fast: Playing YouTube Videos Faster

February 3, 2021

Do you enjoy consuming your media at 3x or 4x speed and you’re bummed that you can only speed up your YouTube videos up to 2x? Many people choose learning in an online, self-paced environment. I find myself frequently diving into training at 2.5x or 3x speed – and I’ve found it dissapointing that YouTube tops out at only 2x speeds.

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Getting Started with ESP8266: Blink

March 6, 2020

There’s a lot of different resources out there in terms of how to get started with Arduinos, ESP8266, Home Automation, and more: but this data is rarely in one place. My goal with this series is to get up and running and using the ESP8266 for the first time. I will explore how to make connections to other web services and do a some home-automation in my own real-world exercises. Thanks for joining me!

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